Photo/Calligraphy by Franck
Text by Stanza
there were still places to hang out while no love was to make,
like an estuary with the sunset. and i would like to find somebody
lonely like you to write in stones. either, the highway, melted by the sun,
went its way on with no reason; the strangers’ cars went by and shouted.
only did he slightly recognize the mood of yours coming up for humming
songs, and he paused to await you. or, a broad pasture slouched and
expected the sunshine in clouds with secret breath. they thought they
would disperse like this, and his shadow, leaning on you, looked so beautiful
and smelled like grass. without making love, both of you certainly would
rather to make time stay. and it was never possible.
水牛垂涎 狼脫毛 夜裡螢螢貓尿
泡濕冥紙 壁虎屎 短顎突突羊齒
潑猴手心 死水乾凝 悶雷亂發情
牡蠣浸酒 墨竹摧枯拉朽
毒蛇枝頭聽鳥 倉鼠舔鬼腳 卵硬蛹小
哀哀母鹿 苦苦水仙 蠟蟲落井生煙
梨花殘夢 火燒公狗腰 神也輕佻
潮肉生蛾 倦了耳有軟舌
buffaloes ran the mouth water/ wolves shed the fur/ cats’ piss
in the night of fireflies
paper money of underneath were soaked/ wall lizard shit/ goats’ teeth
between the short, prodding cheeks
palms of the jumpy monkey/ dead, dry, still water/ sullen thunders easily
went horny
oysters were bathed in the liquor/ inky bamboo were pulling their limbs
serpents on the twig listened to birds/ hamsters licked their ghastly feet/
hard eggs and slender cocoons
does sadly sang/ daffodils bitterly lived/ wax insects fell in a well and
gave smokes
blossoms of pear tree with broken dreams/ flames of desire on male dogs’
waists/ gods were so flippant
tidy flesh and living moths/ languished ears with a soft tongue
grinding the ink stick for the practice of calligraphy
with the left hand
making the soup for the practice of stirring eggs
with chopsticks
wang shih-chi blackened a pond
you pulled and consumed a whole pack of tissue papers
at bedside
at the bed end stood a stripped barbie
and you declared that you wouldn’t touch other
chicks anymore
trans. by franck. l.